Michael's Pictures: US. MD. Baltimore Museums

2022-10-01 American Visionary Art Museum - 1

American Visionary Art Museum
Andrew Logan
DeVon Smith
Wiki. Cabaret Mechanical Theatre
Paul Spooner
Youtube. A Portrait of Paul Spooner At Work
Youtube. Tte Barecats
AVAM. Aurora Borealis Shining Walls Mosaics Bling tree
Dick Brown. Bluebird of Happiness
Andrew Logan. Cosmic Galaxy Egg Metalwork bird and nest
Bugle bird
Andrew Logan. Divine Fifi
DeVon Smith. Robots Cabaret Mechanical Theater. Peter Markey. Natural Wave Machine with Birds (1997) Cabaret Mechanical Theater. Typing Tiger
Cabaret Mechanical Theater. Paul Spooner. Vanishing Poultry (1984) Donkey and Carrot Last Dodo The Barecats

2022-10-01 American Visionary Art Museum - 2

Black Icarus
Brian Pardini. Working with Spirits (2010-19) Paul Lancaster. Night Bathers (1987) Chris Roberts-Antieau. The Healing (2021) Allen David Christian. The Piano Family (2012)
Johanna Burke. Calling (2011-21)
Andrew Logan. Black Icarus Esther's Farm Cow
Kim Edgar Swados. Eichmann Raphael Lemkin
Nancy Josephson. The Healer (2018) Nancy Josephson Gerald Hawkes. Walking Stick
Richard C.Smith, The New Born (2008) Dietllind Preiss. Grandma Dents and Death (2008) O.L. Samuels. Katrina
Fred Carter. Quo Vadis? (1985) Fred Carter. Final Battle Anonimous British hospital patient. Self-portrait (ab. 1960) Johanna Burke. Another Green World Robert Gilkerson. Cat's Paw (1985)
Camshaft Dog (1988) Driftwood Peopled Bus (1986) Ray Materson. Joan of Arc (2009) Stanley Wright. First Dance (1999-2000) Leo Sewell. Stegosaurus (1980)

2022-10-01 AVAM store

Matt Sesow

2022-10-01 AVAM. Haints by Sulton Rogers

Wiki. Sulton Rogers
Sulton Rogers. Haint House

2021-12-17 Baltimore Museum of Art. Sculpture Gardens

Baltimore Museum of Art
Jacob Epstein
Giacomo Manzu
Gerhard Marcks
Marino Marini
Henri Laurens
Pablo Gargallo
Germaine Richier
Max Bill
Antony Caro
José de Rivera
George Rickey
Wangechi Mutu
BMA Gertrude's Jacques Lipchitz. Mother and Child (1941-1945)
Jacob Epstein. Visitation (1926, 1955) A. Rodin. Balzac (1892, 1957)
Giacomo Manzu. Young Girl on a Chair (1955) Giacomo Manzu. Young Girl on a Chair (1955) E.-A. Bouldelle. Fruit (1911) Gerhard Marcks. Prometheus Bound II (1944, 1948) R.Duchamp-Villon. Horse (1914, 1966)
Marino Marini. The Miracle (1954) Fritz Wotruba. Man Walking (1952) Henri Laurens. Large Bather (1947)
Pablo Gargallo. The Prophet (St. John the Baptist, 1933) Germaine Richier. Tauromachy (1953) Barry Flanagan. Large Boxing Hair on Anvil (1984)
Wangechi Mutu. Water Woman (2017, 2018) Mario Negri. Seen from a Wall in the Memory (1960) Max Bill. Endless Ribbon (1935, 1953) Anthony Caro. Sheila's Song (1982)
Mark Di Suvero. Sister Lu (1978-1979) Alexander Calder. 100 Yard Dash (1969) Jose Ruiz de Rivera. Construction 140 (1971) George Rickey. Space Churn. Variation III (1972)

2021-11-14 Walters Art Museum - 08, 11/2021

Pietro Francavilla
William Henry Rinehart
Pier Jacopo Alari Bonacolsi
Claude Dejoux
Louis-Simon Boizot
Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne
Giovanni della Robbia
Andrea Ferrucci
Giovanni Maria Mosca
Alessandro Algardi
Hippocampus (mythology)
Hubert Gerhard
Antonio Susini
Laurent de La Hyre
Pietro FrancaVilla. Apollo victorious over python (1591) Zanobi Lastricati. Mercury (1551) In the style of Leone Leoni. Bust of Giacomo Maria Stampa (1553) Jérôme Derbais. Bust of Louis de Bourbon, the Grand Condé (1695) Italian sculptor. Apollino (18c)
C.-L. Francine. Ganymede (1777-87) French sculptor. A Roman Emperor(1710-40) W.H.Rinehart. Love Reconciled with Death (1865-67) Follower of A.Vittoria. Bust of an Elderly Man (1575-1600)
Antico (Pier Jacopo Alari Bonacolsi). Bust of Menander (ca. 1460-1528) Claude Dejoux. L'Amour et L'Amitie / Love and Friendship (1758, 1783) L.-S. Boizot. Jean Racine (1779) J.-B.Lemoyne. Fontenelle (mid-late 18c)
Workshop of Giovanni della Robbia. Adam and Eve (ca 1515) Andrea Ferucci. St. Catherine of Alexandria (ca. 1515) Umbrian. Saint Joseph (1475-1500)
Netherlands. Mourner (1450) G.M. Mosca. Lucretia (ca. 1550) A. Algardi. Putto on a Hippocampus (ca. 1650) Umbrian sculptor. Prometheus (ca. 1650-1680)
Giambologna (Flemish). Hercules and the Dragon Ladon (17c) Giambologna. Hercules Carrying the Erymanthian Boar (18c ?) Giambologna. Hercules and Cerberus (17c) Master of the Rimini. Pietà (ca. 1425-1435 ) English (Nottngham). Resurrection (1450-90) Hubert Gerhard. Tarquinius Attacking Lucretia (1600-1620)
Antonio Susini. Lion Attacking a Horse (1594) B.Spranger(?). A Triton and a Nereid (ca. 1600) Brown Bear Scull Martino Benzoni. The Dead Christ Supported by Angels (1468)
Italian artist. The mourning of St. John the Baptist, St. Mary, St. Mary Magdalene (1500) Florentine School. Crucifix (ca. 1275-1300) School of Romagna. Ecce Homo 1505-15) Laurent de la Hyre. Allegory of Grammar (1650)